Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Friend........!

Hello Friends,

I am going to try typing few words in my blog here....i am not good at this & never ever even thought that i would do this anytime soon. But all of a sudden one night this link in my google account created an interest in me to type something.....Lets see how it goes...!

Disclaimer: The content appeared here is fictitious & no one can claim this story is his/her. If there is anyone as such found then it will be purely a coincidence & nothing else.

I am going to share a story of one of my friends....!
It was very bright sunny day, the one from the heavy summer & everywhere people were struggling to find a shadow to get some relief. Gladly, everywhere there were trees quite enough to accommodate most of them....but you know there is always one or few unlucky ones does not get such things easily.
It was me....! :) Ohh...but what i am talking about??? This scene is from the Engineering rounds at Government engineering college. I guess now everyone must be on same page...why it is important to stand in heavy summer....its the matter of life ahead....& so called "Turning Point".
After quite a long time, i made up my mind to talk to Future engineers near me & all of a sudden they were also like...ohh you are my best friend to me & good that we talked... :D. At such unknown places, with some sort of competition in mind people behaves like why me to start the talk...ok then i problem. This guy initially i felt like quite very rude & knows almost everything in the world. But as we talked further i came to know yes...this guy not only has good amount of knowledge but also he is talkative, humorous & i immediately after felt like lets keep in will be my pleasure to meet you again.
As i move into engineering college rounds It was scary thing to see that barely i will a get a college which i am not much aware of & never thought i will have to select.
Somehow, i managed to join the college & took a small room to stay nearby. I was bit nervous but then as soon as found there are lot of Future engineers just like me, i got bit relaxed & tried to get mixed up. Initial few days were tough & barely i could make one friend who was also from the same place where i belongs to. But here comes......that guy.....! Never thought about it & the guy with whom i had good discussion, i found him in the same college....obviously with different branch...!
And the story begins....................................................!